Fri, Jun 23, 2023 - 1:13pm

Action Alert: Regarding the Joint Legislative Audit Committee

The Community College League of California, on behalf of the 116 colleges and 73 districts, is actively advocating for the California Community Colleges before policymakers in Sacramento, and we need your help in this process.

Thu, May 18, 2023 - 5:19pm

Action Alert: May Revision to 2023-24 California State Budget

The Community College League of California is a strong advocate for the California Community Colleges. The League continues to meet with state lawmakers and representatives of the Administration to maximize support of our institutions and we need your help in this process.

Mon, Nov 30, 2020 - 10:21am

On Tuesday, November 3rd, California's nearly 40 million residents had the opportunity to participate in the 2020 General Election. For the benefit of our members, League staff has compiled a list of newly elected freshman legislators, election results, and reasons for not seeking re-election. Below are the results of notable elections. The election results depicted below do not include legislators who won their re-election campaign.

Wed, Nov 7, 2018 - 10:29am

Recognizing that results are still coming in, the League offers a brief recap of some of the 2018 midterm election results and what it will likely mean for our sector. With strong majorities in the California Legislature, we anticipate Governor-elect Gavin Newsom to pursue several of his signature education initiatives that he refers to as “cradle-to-career.”


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